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本文摘要:跟别人讲解中国剪纸的历史英语作文80词左右Chinese Paper Cut  long history over 2,000 years  very popular in different parts of China, young or old, be fond of, do well in…  different shapes birds, animals, flowers…  Where do people put Chinese paper cuts?…  拒绝:  1. 文中不得经常出现现实的人名和校名;   2. 词数:80个左右。

跟别人讲解中国剪纸的历史英语作文80词左右Chinese Paper Cut  long history over 2,000 years  very popular in different parts of China, young or old, be fond of, do well in…  different shapes birds, animals, flowers…  Where do people put Chinese paper cuts?…  拒绝:  1. 文中不得经常出现现实的人名和校名;   2. 词数:80个左右。  参考答案:  Dear Eric,  You want to know about Chinese paper cut. Here I'm glad to tell you something about it.  Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it.  People in northern part of China do well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on.  I think Chinese paper cuts are not only beautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windows when they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you'll come to China to see more Chinese paper cuts one day.各地剪纸英文概述(翻译成)一篇《姥姥的剪纸》使我对中国的剪纸艺术产生了浓烈的兴趣,那栩栩如生的人物、活灵活现的动物、惟妙惟肖的器物都令其我赞不绝口、爱不释手。今天,我又收集到一幅精致的剪纸,看著眼前的剪纸,我的眼前好像显露出有一幅生动的生活画卷—— 夕阳西下,晚霞映红了天边,点点金光淋在草地上,绿油油的草地好像被镀上了一层金光,美得令人陶醉。蓝草丛中点缀着不著名的野花,弥漫着扑鼻的香气,五彩斑斓的花蝴蝶也翩翩飞舞在花丛中,它们或许记得了夕阳早已西斜。

不远处耸立着几棵矮小的白杨树,它们站得稳大位的,夕阳的余晖中,那一片片叶子蓝得如此悲凉,如此鲜亮。几只晚归的鸟儿扑扇着翅膀,在树枝上呼朋引相伴,那鼓声的歌声非难着潺潺的溪水声记得好远好近...... 蒙族小男孩巴特刮起着口哨,欢喜青蛙着赶往草场。


筋疲力尽的巴特索性在草地上跪了下来,他一旁喘气一旁愤愤地说道:“哼!捉弄我!回家让阿爸教训你们!”可再行想到两只骆驼满眼的眷恋和不舍,巴特心头的气也全消了。是啊,它们可是全家的功臣啊,一年四季回来阿爸在风尘中摇晃、长途跋涉,能有几次这样畅享大自然美景的机会,能有几次这样悠然自得的时光啊! 巴特又刮起了幸福的口哨,两只骆驼也再度悠闲地远眺远方,它们的身影在夕阳的余晖中闪烁着动人的金光......拜托用英语翻译一下以下的句子:剪纸是中国尤为风行的传统民间艺术形式之一。


中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历剪纸是中国尤为风行的传统民间艺术形式之一。Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts.中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期尤其风行。Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。

特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以减少喜庆的气氛。People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. 剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征物身体健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很热门,常常被用于赠送外国友人的礼物。The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.拜求各位大神用英语翻译一下这段话 剪纸是中国民间一门具有将近千年历史的独有艺术。

它拒绝的材料很非常简单Only paper and scissor are enough, first paper-cutting wins popular among village. From ancient china, lantern-making was famous customs for the festival and red-letter day coming, on great day ,the lanterns will be put up. The design & pattern of lanterns can be drawings, but more are come from pasted paper-cutting.。




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