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本文摘要:锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村有何区别锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村没有区别 锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村是深圳锦绣中华发展有限公司辖下的两大景区,  月底2003年元旦两园合一,只需一张门票才可观看两园。

锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村有何区别锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村没有区别 锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村是深圳锦绣中华发展有限公司辖下的两大景区,  月底2003年元旦两园合一,只需一张门票才可观看两园。此景点是来深圳旅游必玩的旅游景点,它凝参与性、观赏性、娱乐性、趣味性于一体,是全世界仅次于的现代中国文化主题公园,被国家旅游局被誉为进主题公园先河之作。


  锦绣中华微缩景区是蓝的世界、花上的世界、美的世界,堪称中国的历史之窗、文化之窗、旅游之窗。“纵览五千年文化,驰名八万里风情”。  中国民俗文化村含有21个我国少数民族的24个村寨,按1:1比例竣工,有“中国民俗博物馆”之称之为,民俗文化村驰名了中国各地的民族服饰、民族风味、民族建筑及民间艺术风情。


景区的民族风情演出独具魅力,激情参予项目惊险刺激;大型演出《金戈王朝》、《东方霓裳》、《龙凤舞蹈中华》带来人震惊之余,同时也让人获得艺术享受。  锦绣中华微缩景区、中国民俗文化村两大主题公园是深圳的两颗璀璨的明珠。两景区首创了中国主题公园之先河,名声享有盛名海内外,现招待中外游客5000多万人次,其中还包括世界各地的国家元首、政府首脑、国际知名人士数百人。







锦绣中华是蓝的世界、花上的世界、美的世界;堪称中国的历史之窗、文化之窗、旅游之窗。参考资料来源:深圳华侨城旅游度假区官网-景点讲解百度百科-深圳华侨城关于2007第二次导游外语口语考试的导游词,中国民俗文化村原文翻译成中文就是着样:Folk custom village survey The Chinese folk custom culture village in 1990 beganconstruction to construct, on 1991 October 1 officially completedstarts doing business, is located the Shenzhen scenery beautifulShenzhen bay bank, adjoined the renowned at home and abroad exquisitesilk China miniature scene, north continually the Shenzhen bay bighotel, was Chinese first gathers together the Chinese 56nationalities' folk art, the folk custom character and style, thecommon people residence constructs for a garden large-scale culturaltour area, also was in the world contains the national most folkcustoms village, 占地面积 22. 20,000 square meters. In the folk customvillage constructs has 21 national 24 stockaded villages, theconstruction proportion is 1: 1, has Buyi national minority the stonestronghold, touches the shuttle person's wood 楞 room, the Miaonationality stockaded village, the Dong minority wind and rain bridgeand the drumtower, Pai nationality's three work places one 照壁, Yinationality's earth palm room, the Dai national minority bamboo house,Mongolian nationality's yurt, the Tibetan nationality watchtower, butalso has the Han Nationality the Beijing central courtyard, the NorthShaanxi cave dwelling, the Huizhou street and so on.着是问题补足的翻译成:Question supplement that, Touches the shuttle race - daughtercountry's the story: The beautiful lu buys the lake is a remote dream,lets us seek already the matriarchal clan tribe's remote memory to thedream in which dissipates. Dong minority - on knife ladder: The God 附体 sorcerer is jumpingthe mystical 傩神 dance, barefoot mounts end of the knife ladder,牛角 the number face upwards the long and loud cry, makes inquiriesinto the vault of heaven. Dai national minority - village character and style: Under the bamboohouse the bottle gourd silk leisurely blows the sound, looks like thefoot drum and 孔雀舞 takes to you 傣家 person's propitiousblessing. Fellow tourists, in the folk custom village, have imitate south theYunnan road the hoodoo man-made hoodoo, the modelling area reach 2.50,000 square meters, sufficiently compare favorably with south theYunnan road the hoodoo; Has reaches 2 with it necessary each minutecurrent capacity. 10,000 cubic meter, the dropping variance reaches 15meters man-made waterfalls, with overpowering momentum magnificentsight; Has imitates the Guizhou 织金 hole style construction thearea to reach 1. 20,000 square meters, including 120 many kinds ofmodelling man-power big limestone caves, are mystical, the novelfeeling for the person. This was mentioned a moment ago is known asthe world in a big way "four big man-made landscapes" other threeanswers. Except for this, in the folk custom village also has the length toamount to 40 meters, the width 5 meter Drung nationality cane bridge;Has flies the Chinese style pavilion double-eaved roof, the modellingis unique, the person is "the flowered bridge" Dong minority wind andrain bridge; Solemnly has the modelling to be gentle, the brasscasting, amounts to 40 tons again, passes the height 22 metersthousand thousand Goddess of Mercy; The useful blue brickconstruction, reaches as high as in 37 meters villages south thehighest construction the peak tower, and so on. Everybody may the time11 visits which shuttles back and forth in the stockaded villagebetween. 还有的会 没有办法翻译成 ``` 不还意思.参考资料:还有什么会的 你可以去下着个网站 http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm深圳世界之窗、民俗文化村、锦绣中华这三个地方那个更加冷笑话些?1、如果纯粹是为了玩游戏:欢乐谷、东部华侨城;2、许多文化的集中地:世界之窗、锦绣中华&民俗村、深圳博物馆等;3、感觉大大自然:青青世界、仙湖植物园、野生动物园、红树林自然保护区等;4、逛shopping:东门步行街、华强北商业圈、南头等;5、登山:梧桐山(鹏城第一峰)、莲花山(有邓小平的塑像)、笔架山、大小南山等;6、不吃美食:M记(麦当劳)、KFC(肯德基)、Pizza-hut(必胜客)、香辣蟹、小肥羊、大家乐、元禄寿司等;7、感觉深圳的繁盛:去地王大厦眺望深圳的全景,尤其是夜景,超强可爱;8、潮流集中地和人流密集地:华侨城、地铁出入口和地铁里面、罗湖和皇岗口岸、东门、华强北、南头等地。锦绣中华,世界之窗, 民俗文化村,是隔壁而已吗?这三个地方里面有设么分别呢?。




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